NOKIN Intelligent Pedestrian Crossing System In China
With the popularization of road safety awareness, smart pedestrian crossing systems have become more and more popular at home and abroad, and in Anyang, China, there is also a smart pedestrian crossing system.
It is a pedestrian crossing system consisting of road studs and traffic lights. The road studs are connected to the traffic lights through wiring, and when the traffic lights turn green, the road studs will also turn green at the same time to remind pedestrians that they can pass, which is a very good warning for those who have their heads down. The pedestrian crossing system is installed at a busy commercial street intersection, where there are many pedestrians, and people report that they feel safer crossing the street.
NOKIN's Intelligent Pedestrian System has the following features.
1. Effectiveness. The NOKIN Smart Pedestrian Crossing System is the only road safety solution of its kind. Studies have confirmed that the application of the Smart Pedestrian Crossing System at crosswalks has resulted in fewer conflicts, lower speeds, more drivers allowing pedestrians to cross the transition, and shorter pedestrian waiting times.
2. Improved safety (drivers). Active road studs synchronized with vertical pulsing lights send light signals to drivers, providing better pedestrian visibility at long distance transitions. This is especially important in poor visibility situations, such as during rain or snow. Studies have shown that drivers respond faster to light signals if they are activated by pedestrians and do not stay on.
3. Improved safety (pedestrian). When the motion sensor identifies pedestrian traffic, the built-in speaker emits a voice signal pointing to the pedestrian. The voice signal "Watch out for approaching cars" or "Watch out" tells the pedestrian that the intersection is a particularly dangerous place and that he should be more careful.
4. Power flexibility. Smart pedestrian crossing systems can be powered by the municipal grid (street lights, overhead lines) or can use built-in batteries to provide 24-hour uninterrupted power.
NOKIN is a manufacturer of solar road studs, with 19 years of production experience, solar road studs technology is relatively mature, and now solar road studs have been expanded to synchronize with traffic lights, and solar traffic signs synchronization system.