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Drivers Will Benefit From Solar Cats Eyes Road Studs


solar cats eyes road studs

Now, the lane illuminated by the internal solar cats eyes road studs will guide passengers along Colorado Highway 93 between 64th Avenue and Colorado Highway.

When driving on a dark road without street lights, solar cats eyes road studs has shown that it is a viable device, which can greatly improve the driving route to adapt to the driving public, especially in bad weather.

The polycarbonate plastic "disc" is equipped with small energy-saving LEDs. The solar cats eyes road studs automatically at dusk. When there is the sun, the solar panel will automatically charge with solar energy, which is green and environmentally friendly, saves energy, and requires no maintenance. Tests have shown that where solar road studs are installed, collisions are estimated to be reduced by approximately 35% ("property damage only" accidents) and 50% (injury accidents).

The following positions can be considered for installing solar cats eyes road studs:

Sections that should generally be considered:
There is a history of lane departure collision modes.
It is dark, without curves.
Being in a mountainous area, it is historically difficult to retain pavement markings.

Other suitable locations include:
Intersections with unique modes of transportation or movements (roundabouts, three turns left, three turns right, etc.)
Crosswalk in the middle.
Unprotected chain station.
