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Shenzhen Nokin Traffic Facilities Co., Ltd.

Install LED cat eyes
Solar LED Cat Eyes In Costa Rica To Improve Road Safety
Road authorities in costa rica have installed solar cat eyes on dangerous roads and curves leading to the steep surque tunnel to help improve road safety and reduce road traffic accidents and deaths in this particular death trap.
cat eyes road stud maufacturer
Customizable Solar Cat Eyes Road Studs Can Be Offered In NOKIN Traffic
NOKIN solar road stud contains solar LEDs that illuminate the actual direction of the road miles away from the driver. In order to provide nighttime visibility, NOKIN solar road stud no longer needs to reflect car headlights on traditional road signs. NOKIN solar road stud offers two different types of battery storage capabilities: Ni-MH rechargeable batteries and super capacitor storage devices.
cat eyes road stud
Smart Reflective Cat Eyes Road Studs---New Road Traffic Facilities
Driving at night will be more safer. A new generation of smart reflective cat eyes road stud have been put into use in the UK, which will allow drivers to see ten times farther away and alert them to dangerous road conditions.
cat's eye reflector
History and Function of the Reflective Cat's Eye
One of the most valuable devices in driving safety over the past century has been the reflective cat's eye -- yet most people don't even know what it is or its name. If you drive through the country, along a dark country road, you will see occasional flashes of light from the middle. If you've examined these devices up close, you'll realize that they're not light projectors -- they're light reflectors. They are called reflective cat eyes.
cat eyes on road
Haikou Solar Powered Cat Eyes On Road Are Mostly Destroyed
In the second half of 2005, Haikou introduced solar powered cat eyes in road reconstruction,However, in less than a year after it was put into use, large-scale destruction began. During the visit, the reporter found that the solar cat eyes at the end of Fengxiang East Road were basically not flashing.---Vehicle crushing is the culprit
 Smart cat eyes
Smart LED cat eyes installed on the English road
Highways England installed 175 airport runway LED cat eyes to help drive one of the busiest highway intersections in England, which with 90,000 daily intersections cars pass by. In addition, this smart LED cat eyes will turn on when the traffic light turns green, helping the driver stay in the correct lane.
solar cat eyes
Solar/LED cat eyes improve road safety
Drivers were worried about driving on narrow coastal roads in dark, and solar cat eyes were installed on both routes. After installing the LED cat eyes, 79% of the drivers using this route felt safe to drive along this road in dark, and the number more than doubled to 92%.
solar powered cat eyes
Solar/LED Cat's Eyes NK-RS-X5 From NOKIN Traffic
Since 2010, NOKIN Traffic has introduced solar cat's eyes, which have a higher visibility than the traditional “cat eyes”. Its patent product NK-RS-X5 solar powered cat's eyes provide forward visibility of up to 900 m, providing better guidance and hazard warnings to drivers in the dark, even in harsh weather conditions.
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