Customized flashing solar led stop sign
Installing solar flashing led stop signs reactively in response to one severe crash at one intersection is not likely to be an effective approach because of a low density of severe right-angle crashes at through-stop intersections, only a minority of crashes involve running the STOP sign, and a lack of consistent crash reduction estimate.
Solar-powered flashing LED stop signs are a time-saving approach to increase safety at busy intersections and high-speed or winding roads. Using flashing traffic signage helps avoid and prevent fatal car crashes, severe injuries, and potential vehicle damage. The bright flashing (blinking) lights intensify and augment visibility at all times (both day and night) and under all weather conditions.
Busy intersections, crossings at high-speed roads, and stops around curves and bends can pose serious danger to drivers and pedestrians, particularly at night and in the rain, snow, or fog. Our solar-powered LED stop sign grabs drivers’ attention. Its bright blinking lights and reflective 3M material can be seen from 2,500 feet. It’s not only an enhanced safety sign option, but it is also energy efficient and versatile. The rechargeable battery and mountable solar panel allow for illuminated stop signs wherever there is sunlight.

NOKIN flashing led stop signs are outdoor weather resistant and 100% Solar Powered. Each year, over 700,000 Police-reported accidents occur at Stop Signs. The Solar Flashing Stop Sign is proven to reduce Right-Angle Collisions by up to 42%, and reduce blow-through/failure to stop by up to 52%*. The Solar Powered Flashing LED Stop Sign is the future of road safety. With an efficient 10 Watt Silicon Crystal Solar Panel, NOKIN’s Stop Signs operate 24/7 with no hardwired power required- it can even operate for up to 15 days without sunlight!

the most suitable applications for solar flashing led stop signs: Installing solar flashing led stop signs reactively in response to one severe crash at one intersection is not likely to be an effective approach because of a low density of severe right-angle crashes at through-stop intersections, only a minority of crashes involve running the STOP sign, and a lack of consistent crash reduction estimate.