Half Circle Motorway Road Studs Manufacturer
Solar road studs are improved and innovated on the basis of traditional cat-eye reflective road signs, mainly to develop the field of road traffic safety, with the purpose of improving road safety and reducing the probability of traffic accidents. At the same time, it can also be used in other fields, such as courtyard decorative lighting, square landscape lighting, etc.
What are Solar Road Studs?

Waterproof LED Solar Powered Solar Road Stud Light Features: This road stud light is designed to guide vehicles and pedestrians in the right direction. Powered by solar energy, it is more environment-friendly and with a light sense function, it will automatically light up when it turns dark. Guiding by this light, people will be safer on the way. LEDs – Lighting is one of the most essential items in the modern world. Dwindling resources have put solar lighting front and center in the energy industry. LED bulbs use a fraction of the power as incandescent bulbs and are a fraction of the size.