low-profile solar road studs supplier for sale
The primary function of these lights is to indicate the direction of the road, particularly in challenging rainy or foggy circumstances, as well as to encourage drivers to pay attention to the driving path ahead. Solar road studs significantly increase road safety and minimize the incidence of traffic accidents.
Solar road studs are flashing solar cell-powered LED low-maintenance lighting devices that delineate road edges and centrelines. Embedded in the road surface, they are an electronic improvement on the traditional cat’s eyes and raised pavement markers in that they may give drivers a larger reaction window.

Averaging about 100 mm square or 100 mm diameter and about 40 mm thick, The use of solar road makers reduces the necessity of headlight main beams and the accompanying hazard of dazzling oncoming drivers. They are also more visible in rain and fog conditions where the old-type retroreflectors and road markings are problematic. The solar cells charge batteries or capacitors during sunlit hours, over which period the flashing LEDs are turned off by a photoswitch.