Solar Powered Motorway Road Studs Supplier
No matter how complete and perfect our traffic safety facilities are, the installation of traffic signal lights or solar road stud lights is to warn and guide us to pay attention to traffic safety. In social life, each of us is our own first safety responsibility person. Only each of us can actively abide by the traffic rules, we can certainly reduce and avoid the occurrence of traffic accidents.
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Solar cat eye road stud charging guide
Full operational nighttime performance of the Solar Cat Eye Stud (200+ hours of uninterrupted signal – no further exposure to sunlight) is only achievable when fully charged outdoors.
At this point, the large storage capacity allows the solar cat’s eye studs to operate every night, 365 days a year, due to constant outdoor exposure. The solar cat’s eye road stud starts charging the first time it is exposed to sunlight. In the summer months with direct sunlight, this may take up to 8 hours. Partial sun/shade areas will extend charging time.

At night, the seaside or the lake are places where everyone likes to enjoy and relax. Solar road stud lights can clearly outline the outline of bridges or play a decorative role at the junction of water and shore. Many people will say, isn’t solar road stud lights used to be installed on roads, how can they be installed on bridges? This is the most critical factor for the road stud lights produced by our NOKIN to be installed on bridges and lakes-waterproof grade IP68!

No matter how complete and perfect our traffic safety facilities are, the installation of traffic signal lights or solar road stud lights is to warn and guide us to pay attention to traffic safety. In social life, each of us is our own first safety responsibility person. Only each of us can actively abide by the traffic rules, we can certainly reduce and avoid the occurrence of traffic accidents.